As I am closing in on a week in London I am finally starting to feel at home. The jet lag is gone and the shock is waning. Now it is time to get to work. My research so far has been a bit limited but not non-existent. I have had the opportunity to do a little research at the British Library and have gone on some group tours of museums. These experience have helped me to become oriented in the city and to know where several resources are. Tonight I have made a plan of attack. I will visit larger museums at the start of each week, simply because the smaller ones are typically closed until Wednesday. 
I am excited to begin my evaluations and to see what unfolds. It is a bit of a cold call method in that I plan to go, walk around, and ask questions. I hope to gain insight from my experiences and to find people to talk to. If I am overwhelmed by anything, it is that there are so many good museums to visit. I do not want to miss anything, but at the same time, I can not possibly see it all. I plan to have two evaluations by the time of my next blog. I may even have more, but that is the goal. Every great journey begins with one small step, mine begins tomorrow. 
7/7/2013 11:50:37 pm

Maybe after you tour some of the house museums and start asking questions you will be able to get a peak behind the scenes in a couple. Do not be afraid to ask and to talk about your project. A good director will want to help you out.


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