Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that I landed at Heathrow and rode the tube for the first time. This month in this tiny dorm room, surrounded by fellow scholars (including my wife) has been one of the highlights of my life thus far. I have had the pleasure of walking into some of the greatest museums on this Earth. I have studied at what I consider one of the best libraries in the world. I have met people from many countries and made professional connections that will help me in my own career.

I had planned to write some grand, all-encompassing reflection of my research in London, but I simply cannot find the appropriate words. What I can say is that I have never worked so hard for so long on one project as I have on this one. For all of that work, I only have a draft Master’s Thesis to show for it. However, it is one of the best things that I have ever written. I am pleased with my work but I am not satisfied. I know that there are things that I need to add, but I know what they are. I have a very clear focus for my thesis and now it is just a matter of communicating and executing that plan.

Most importantly, I feel that I have begun the transition from student to professional. I have not had this much confidence in what I am doing since I left the classroom. I now feel that I can add public historian to educator in my list of professional abilities. The significance of this cannot be diminished. To know that you are doing what you love and what you are good at is one of the most important things that a person can achieve in life.  

Words cannot explain how this experience has helped me. I know that the real work lies ahead, but I am so ready to do it.

7/25/2013 01:51:01 am

Love this post. I am so happy you had such a great time and have what I am sure is a wonderful and insightful draft in hand. Yes, more can and probably should be added, but it's just the beginning...

Jeremy Teare
7/29/2013 04:13:28 am

There are very few people like us, Wesley, who are fortunate enough to find an occupation which they love doing. May you enjoy every success on your chosen route.


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