The cathartic end of the research phase has begun. I am already on the second of what I am sure will be several drafts for my Master's Thesis Proposal. I am finding that the most difficult part is explaining to people, who have no idea what I am talking about, a subject that I have been immersed in for a month. I know what I mean and my professors know what I mean, but as Dr. Bibbee pointed out, I have to write with the third reader in mind. That means writing for someone who is not as invested or knowledgeable about my project as my first and second readers, as well as the wider public. 

I am finding this to be very difficult. How do you see your own blind spots? How do you edit something that you have been looking at for hours? I have found two techniques that have helped me so far. Number one is knowing when to walk away. At some point you have to stop and take a walk or watch TV. Your brain can only handle so much at once. When I find myself at the point of diminishing returns, I find an escape for awhile. The second thing is to have as many eyes as possible look at your work. I currently have four people reading my drafts. Later I plan to have more. This is such a valuable luxury to have. These are people with different backgrounds and points of view that can evaluate my work from many angles. I am fortunate to have this and although it is hard to be critiqued by several people at once, it is a necessary and beneficial growing pain. 

I know that this proposal and my thesis will consume a large part of my life for the next ten months, but I am up for the challenge. I know that these experiences are sharpening me and making me the professional that I want to be. Even though it may be tough right now, I know that I will look back on this time as my most formative years. 
7/22/2013 10:16:25 pm

It is coming along nicely and it is good to walk away every now and again to put it all in perspective. Keep it up!


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